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The REST API of Timeplus Enterprise is secured by API key. Currently this is only enabled in Timeplus Enterprise SaaS edition. For Timeplus Enterprise self-hosted deployments, you need to set HTTP Authorization header to be Basic [Base64 encoded user:password].

You need to create an API key to access the Timeplus REST API. Here’s how to create one:

  1. Click on your avatar in the top right corner. In the dropdown, click Personal Settings.

User avatar and Personal Settings

  1. In the API Keys section, click the Create API Key button.

Create API Key

  1. Enter an optional description for the key, choose an expiration date if needed, and click Create.

API Key dialog

  1. The API key will only be shown to you once - make sure you securely save it right away. You won’t be able to retrieve the key again later in the console.

Copy API key