
::: Timeplus Cloud 用户须知

在 Timeplus Cloud 或 Timeplus Enterprise 部署中,我们建议你使用 GUI 或 Terraform Provider创建流,因为它们具有更好的可用性和更多的功能。



Stream is a key concept in Timeplus. All data lives in streams, no matter static data or data in motion. We don't recommend you to create or manage TABLE in Proton. 所有数据都存在于流中,无论是静态数据还是动态数据。 We don't recommend you to create or manage TABLE in Timeplus.


默认情况下,这些流是仅附加且不可变的。 By default, the streams are append-only and immutable. You can create a stream, then use INSERT INTO to add data.


创建流 [如果不存在] [db.]<stream_name>
<col_name1> <col_type_1> [默认 <col_expr_1>] [compression_codec_1],
<col_name1> <col_type_2> [DEFAULT <col_expr_2>] [compression_codec_2]
) 设置
<event_time_column>='<col>', <key1>=<value1>, <key2>=<value2>,...


如果省略数据库名称,则将使用 默认 。 If you omit the database name, default will be used. Stream name can be any utf-8 characters and needs backtick quoted if there are spaces in between. Column name can be any utf-8 characters and needs backtick quoted if there are spaces in between. 列名可以是任何 utf-8 字符,如果两者之间有空格,则需要反引号。


Timeplus Proton supports the following column types:

  1. int8/16/32/64/128/256
  2. uint8/16/32/64/128/256
  3. 布尔值
  4. 十进制(精度、小数位数):精度的有效范围是 [1:76],小数位数的有效范围是 [0:精度]
  5. float32/64
  6. 日期
  7. 日期时间
  8. datetime64(precision, [time_zone])
  9. 字符串
  10. fixed_string (N)
  11. 数组 (T)
  12. uuid
  13. ipv4/ipv6

For more details, please check Data Types.


In Timeplus, each stream with a _tp_time as Event Time. If you don't create the _tp_time column when you create the stream, the system will create such a column for you, with now64() as the default value. You can also choose a column as the event time, using 如果您在创建流时没有创建 _tp_time 列,则系统将为您创建这样的列,默认值为 now64 () 。 您也可以选择一列作为事件时间,使用

设置 event_time_column='my_datetime_column'

它可以是任何导致 datetime64 类型的 SQL 表达式。


Proton 支持保留政策,可自动从流中删除过时的数据。


Proton利用ClickHouse TTL表达式来制定历史数据的保留政策。 Proton leverages ClickHouse TTL expression for the retention policy of historical data. When you create the stream, you can add TTL to_datetime(_tp_time) + INTERVAL 12 HOUR to remove older events based a specific datetime column and retention period.


You can set the retention policies for streaming storage when you create the stream or update the setting after creation.

创建流 .. SETTINGS logstore_retention_bytes=.., logstore_retention_ms=..;

ALTER STREAM .. MODIFY SETTINGS logstore_retention_bytes=.., logstore_retention_ms=..;


Versioned Stream allows you to specify the primary key(s) and focus on the latest value. 例如: 例如:

CREATE STREAM versioned_kv(i int, k string, k1 string)
SETTINGS mode='versioned_kv', version_column='i';

默认 version_column_tp_time。 对于具有相同主键的数据,Proton 将使用最大值为 version_column的数据。 因此,默认情况下,它会跟踪相同主键的最新数据。 如果有延迟事件,您可以使用指定其他列来确定实时数据的结束状态。


Changelog Stream allows you to specify the primary key(s) and track the add/delete/update of the data. 例如: 例如:

CREATE STREAM changelog_kv(i int, k string, k1 string)
SETTINGS mode='changelog_kv', version_column='i';

默认 version_column_tp_time。 对于具有相同主键的数据,Proton 将使用最大值为 version_column的数据。 因此,默认情况下,它会跟踪相同主键的最新数据。 如果有延迟事件,您可以使用指定其他列来确定实时数据的结束状态。


You may use this special stream to generate random data for tests. 例如: 例如:

device string default 'device'||to_string(rand()%4),
location string default 'city'||to_string(rand()%10),
temperature float default rand()%1000/10);


  1. rand to generate a number in uint32
  2. rand64 to generate a number in uint64
  3. random_printable_ascii to generate printable characters
  4. random_string to generate a string
  5. random_fixed_string to generate string in fixed length
  6. random_in_type to generate value with max value and custom logic

When you run a Timeplus SQL query with a random stream, the data will be generated and analyzed by the query engine. Depending on the query, all generated data or the aggregated states can be kept in memory during the query time. The data of random stream is kept in memory during the query time. If you are not querying the random stream, there is no data generated or kept in memory.

By default, Proton tries to generate as many data as possible. If you want to (roughly) control how frequent the data is generated, you can use the eps setting. For example, the following SQL generates 10 events every second: 如果你想(大致)控制数据的生成频率,你可以使用 eps 设置。 例如,以下 SQL 每秒生成 10 个事件:

CREATE RANDOM STREAM rand_stream(i int default rand()%5) SETTINGS eps=10

您可以通过 interval_time 设置进一步自定义数据生成速率。 You can further customize the rate of data generation via the interval_time setting. For example, you want to generate 1000 events each second, but don't want all 1000 events are generated at once, you can use the following sample SQL to generate events every 200 ms. The default interval is 5ms (in Proton 1.3.27 or the earlier versions, the default value is 100ms) 默认间隔为 5 毫秒(在 Proton 1.3.27 或更早版本中,默认值为 100 毫秒)

CREATE RANDOM STREAM rand_stream(i int default rand()%5) SETTINGS eps=1000, interval_time=200



Proton v1.4.2 的新增功能是,您可以将 eps 设置为 1 以下。 比如 eps=0.5 将每 2 秒生成 1 个事件。 eps 小于 0.00001 将被视为 0。


Please check Read/Write Kafka with External Stream.