在Timeplus,我们将自己的技术应用于许多不同的用例。 我们的许多客户还为使用Timeplus构建实时解决方案提供了创造性的方法。 本文档列出了不同类别的已知用例。 希望这能激发您以较低的成本和精力从实时数据中获得更多见解。
如果你想分享一个有趣的用例,请加入 Timeplus 社区 Slack。
“Timeplus填补了当今瞬息万变的市场中的一个重大空白,在这个市场中,企业必须实现实时发展,否则就会过时。 它使从流数据中提取见解变得更加容易,使我们无需编写数千行代码和数百小时的开发。 监控和分析大量实时投资数据的能力可以加强风险控制和成本分析。” -王凌,华泰证券 IT 主管
作为我们的首批案例研究之一,看看领先的金融科技公司Alpha Stream如何部署Timeplus来快速升级其实时分析功能。
"We are able to simply plug the sources into Timeplus and start writing queries over the streaming data to get the results. No need to compile and deploy a code. This makes prototyping to deploy applications really fast." -Hamilton Araujo, Managing Director, Alpha Stream 无需编译和部署代码。 这使得部署应用程序的原型设计变得非常快。” -Hamilton Araujo,Alpha Stream 董事总经理
通过利用流 SQL、 版本化流、 HTTP 提取、 HTTP sink 和许多其他功能,我们收集每个租户的实时基础设施使用情况,应用查询和聚合,并将数据发送给基于使用量的定价供应商 (Paigo)。
我们都喜欢 GitHub。 但是你知道Github现在的趋势是什么吗? We all love GitHub. But do you know what’s trending on Github right now? We built a real-time app with Timeplus API and GitHub API.
阅读案例研究 | 演示: Timeplus Cloud, Streamlit | Github repo
Build real-time monitoring systems for container vulnerabilities with Timeplus. Eric Guo, DevOps Director of Aurora Health Science & Technology Co., shares how his team set up a system to provide actionable insights to keep their system secure at all times. Aurora Health Science & Technology Co. 的开发运营总监 Eric Guo 分享了他的团队如何建立一个系统,以提供切实可行的见解,从而始终保持系统安全。
"We are delighted to have integrated Timeplus into our data infrastructure at Aurora, replacing our previous Flink clusters while utilizing just a fraction of the hardware resources, a reduction of nearly 80%. With Timeplus, we have significantly improved the analytical capabilities of AuroraPrime, reducing the turnaround time for user-facing reports and dashboards." – Eric Guo, DevOps Director, Aurora 借助Timeplus,我们显著提高了AuroraPrime的分析能力,缩短了面向用户的报告和仪表板的周转时间。” — Aurora 开发运营总监 Eric Guo
在 Timeplus,我们使用 Superblocks构建了一些内部工具。 At Timeplus, we built a few internal tools with Superblocks. To track how our internal tools are being used, we configured Superblocks to send audit logs and user activities to Confluent Cloud, then load them into Timeplus. Next, we built dashboards and alerts in our own platform to understand the usage or capture any potential issues. 接下来,我们在自己的平台上构建了仪表板和警报,以了解使用情况或捕获任何潜在问题。
保护 Slack 中的敏感信息
许多组织依靠 Slack 来联系数字总部中的人员、工具、客户和合作伙伴。 Many organizations rely on Slack to connect people, tools, customers, and partners in a digital HQ. We built a showcase app to demonstrate how to process messages in real-time and trigger actions via the Timeplus platform, for example, removing messages that contain sensitive keywords.