
timeplus help

timeplus help

When you run timeplus help without extra parameters, it will list all available commands, e.g.

Timeplus Enterprise, a simple, powerful, and cost-efficient stream processing platform.

timeplus [flags]
timeplus [command]

Available Commands:
backup Create a Timeplus enterprise backup
cluster Manage Timeplus enterprise cluster
config Manage Timeplus Enterprise configuration
diag Run diagnostics of Timeplus Enterprise services
help Help about any command
license Manage Timeplus Enterprise licenses
restart Restart Timeplus Enterprise services
restore Restore a Timeplus enterprise backup
service Add Timeplus Enterprise services to systemd control
start Start Timeplus Enterprise services
status Check Timeplus Enterprise services status
stop Stop Timeplus Enterprise services
sync Synchronizes resources to timeplusd.
user Manage Timeplus Enterprise users
version Show Timeplus Enterprise version

-h, --help help for timeplus

Use "timeplus [command] --help" for more information about a command.

timeplus help [command]

You can add the command name after help to see the available flags, e.g.

timeplus help start
Start Timeplus Enterprise services

timeplus start [flags]

-h, --help help for start
-p, --password string system admin password (default "timeplus@t+")
-s, --service string service (all, timeplusd, timeplus_appserver, timeplus_web, timeplus_connector) to start (default "all")
-v, --verbose run command in verbose mode