
timeplus restart

Restart the Timeplus Enterprise services in the current node.

timeplus restart

When you run timeplus restart without extra parameters, it will restart all services, e.g.

stopping service timeplusd
stopping service timeplus_web
stopping service timeplus_connector
stopping service timeplus_appserver
service timeplus_appserver stopped

service timeplus_web stopped

service timeplus_connector stopped
service timeplusd stopped
start service timeplusd
start service timeplus_appserver
start service timeplus_web
start service timeplus_connector
service timeplus_connector started
service timeplus_web started
service timeplusd started

service timeplus_appserver started
Timeplus restarted. Open http://localhost:8000 in your browser to access Timeplus web console

timeplus restart -s [service]

You can also use the -s or --service flag to restart a specific service, e.g.

timeplus restart -s timeplusd
stopping service timeplusd
service timeplusd stopped
start service timeplusd
service timeplusd started

See Also

timeplus start

timeplus stop

timeplus status