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Troubleshooting Guide

This guide provides solutions to common issues you may encounter when using Timeplus.

Please also query system.stream_state_log and system.stream_metric_log to check the state changes, metrics and errors of database resources in Timeplus.

Memory Issues

JOIN queries run out of memory


default.hop_mv: Background runtime error: Code: 191. DB::Exception:
Streaming join's memory reaches max size: 524288000,
current total: 524297968, left total: 177712480, right total: 346585488:
While executing StreamingJoinTransform.

Solution: Increase the JOIN buffer size for the query or materialized view.

ALTER VIEW hop_mv MODIFY QUERY SETTING join_max_buffered_bytes=8589934592

JavaScript UDF runs out of memory


default.omv: Background runtime error: Code: 2531. DB::Exception:
Current V8 heap size used=571000 bytes, total=40307261440 bytes,
javascript_max_memory_bytes=2, exceed the limit=2 bytes, v8 heap stat={...}:
While executing GlobalAggregatingTransform. (UDF_MEMORY_THRESHOLD_EXCEEDED)

Solution: Increase the memory limit for the JavaScript UDF.

ALTER VIEW <mv_name> MODIFY QUERY SETTING javascript_max_memory_bytes = 10485760000

Data Consistency

Materialized view is not updating


default.HOP_mv: Background runtime error: Code: 2547. DB::Exception:
Failed to fetch for ns=default name=HOP_mv id=65496080-a11f-4db1-838c-072b5afcf4c0
shard=0, SEQUENCE_COMPACTED_AWAY: While executing StreamingStoreSource.


  • Check the definition of the materialized view via SHOW CREATE <mv_name>.
  • Drop the materialized view and recreate it.

Data Size and Ingestion



Code: 2514. DB::Exception: Failed to ingest, error=TOO_LARGE_RECORD. (TOO_LARGE_RECORD)


For ad-hoc stream ingestion, you can increase the max_insert_block_size setting to allow larger records.

INSERT INTO appendOnlyStream
SETTINGS max_insert_block_size=10, max_insert_threads=8

If you encounter this issue with a materialized view, you can increase the max_entry_size setting in timeplusd.yml.

  1. Stop the Timeplus service.
  2. Edit the data.datastore.log.max_entry_size setting in the timeplusd.yml configuration file. The default value is 10485760(10MB). You can set to 100MB, which is 104857600.
  3. Start the Timeplus service.

Fail to drop streams with large data


Stream or Partition in default.hop_mv was not dropped.
Reason: Size (81.49 GB) is greater than max_[table/partition]_size_to_drop (50.00 GB)

Solution: You can drop with the force_drop_big_stream setting.

DROP STREAM hop_mv SETTINGS force_drop_big_stream=1



Code: 2529. DB::Exception: Disk default utilization is 0.9007095458237306, exceeds the max_disk_util 0.9. (DISK_USAGE_RATIO_THRESHOLD_EXCEEDED)


Please free up some disk space to allow ingestion to continue.


Too many concurrent queries


DB::Exception: Too many simultaneous queries. Maximum: 100.

Solution: Increase the max_concurrent_queries setting in timeplusd.yml.

  1. Stop the Timeplus service.
  2. Edit the max_concurrent_queries setting in the timeplusd.yml configuration file. The default value is 100. You can set to 200 or higher.
  3. Start the Timeplus service.

You can also set different values for max_concurrent_insert_queries and max_concurrent_select_queries.

Increasing these limits may impact the performance and require more system resources. Please monitor the system performance after changing these settings.

Kafka External Stream



DB::Exception:  Reached consumers limit 50.
Existing queries need to be stopped before running other queries.
Or update external_stream.kafka.max_consumers_per_stream to a bigger number in the config file.

Solution: Increase the max_consumers_per_stream setting in conf/timeplusd.yml.

  1. Stop the Timeplus service.
  2. Edit the external_stream.kafka.max_consumers_per_stream setting in the timeplusd.yml configuration file. The default value is 50. You can set to 100 or higher.
  3. Restart the Timeplus service.
max_consumers_per_stream: 200