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S3 External Table

Amazon S3 is cloud object storage with industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance.

In Timeplus Enterprise v2.7, we added the first-class integration for S3-compatible object storage systems, as a new type of External Table. You can read or write data in Amazon S3 or S3-compatible cloud or local storage.


To create an external table for S3, you can run the following DDL SQL:

(<col_name1> <col_type1>, <col_name2> <col_type2>, ...)
PARTITION BY .. -- optional
type='s3', -- required
use_environment_credentials=true|false, -- optional, default false
access_key_id='..', -- optional
secret_access_key='..', -- optional
region='..', -- required
bucket='..', -- required
read_from='..', -- optional
write_to='..', -- optional
data_format='..', -- optional
compression_method='..', -- optional
config_file='..', -- optional
endpoint='..', -- optional

For the full list of settings, see the DDL Settings section.


Read from a public S3 bucket

The following SQL creates an external table to read data in parquet format, from a public S3 bucket.

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE amazon_reviews_2015
`review_date` uint16,
`marketplace` string,
`customer_id` uint64,
`review_id` string,
`product_id` string,
`product_parent` uint64,
`product_title` string,
`product_category` string,
`star_rating` uint8,
`helpful_votes` uint32,
`total_votes` uint32,
`vine` bool,
`verified_purchase` bool,
`review_headline` string,
`review_body` string
type = 's3',
region = 'eu-west-3',
bucket = 'datasets-documentation',
read_from = 'amazon_reviews/amazon_reviews_2015.snappy.parquet';

No AWS credentials are required to read from the public S3 bucket. You can get the number of rows in the external table by running SELECT count(*) FROM amazon_reviews_2015.

Read from a private S3 bucket with credentials from environment variables

It's recommended to avoid hardcoding the AWS credentials in the DDL. You can attach a proper IAM role if Timeplus is running inside AWS, or define environment variables to store the AWS credentials.

The following SQL creates an external table to read the CloudTrail logs in a compressed JSON file, from a private S3 bucket.

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE aws_cloudtrail(Records array(string))
SETTINGS type='s3',
region = 'us-west-1',
bucket = 'config-bucket-123456789012',

Since all CloudTrail events are put in the Records array, you can use array_join to flatten the array and query the data, e.g.:

SELECT array_join(Records) AS r, r:eventVersion, r:userIdentity.type, r:userIdentity.principalId, r:userIdentity.arn, r:userIdentity.accountId, r:userIdentity.accessKeyId, r:userIdentity.userName, r:userIdentity.sessionContext, to_time(r:eventTime) AS eventTime, r:eventSource, r:eventName, r:awsRegion, r:sourceIPAddress, r:userAgent, r:requestParameters, r:responseElements, r:requestID, r:eventID, to_bool(r:readOnly) AS readOnly, r:eventType, to_bool(r:managementEvent) AS managementEvent, r:recipientAccountId, r:eventCategory FROM aws_cloudtrail

Read from a private S3 bucket with static credentials

The following SQL creates an external table to read the S3 access logs in raw format, from a private S3 bucket, with static credentials.

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE s3_logs(raw string)
SETTINGS type='s3',
region = 'us-west-1',
bucket = 'mys3logs',
access_key_id = '..',
secret_access_key = '..',
read_from = 's3accesslog/123456789012/us-west-1/mybucket/2024/10/17/2024-10-17-00-00-00-016816C0FF1220C0',

DDL Settings


The type of the external table. The value must be s3.


Whether to use the AWS credentials from the environment variables, thus allowing access through IAM roles. Specifically, the following order of retrieval is performed:

  • A lookup for the environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SESSION_TOKEN
  • Check the config or credentials files in $HOME/.aws
  • Temporary credentials obtained via the AWS Security Token Service - i.e. via AssumeRole API
  • Obtains the credentials via Amazon EC2 instance metadata provided AWS_EC2_METADATA_DISABLED is not set to true.

The default value is false.


The AWS access key ID. It's optional when use_environment_credentials is true.


The AWS secret access key. It's optional when use_environment_credentials is true.


The config_file setting is available since Timeplus Enterprise 2.7. You can specify the path to a file that contains the configuration settings. The file should be in the format of key=value pairs, one pair per line. You can set the AWS access key ID and secret access key in the file.

Please follow the example in Kafka External Stream.


The region where the S3 bucket is located, such as us-west-1.


The name of the S3 bucket.


The endpoint of the S3-compatible object storage system. It's optional. If it's missing, Timeplus will use the default endpoint for the region.

For example, if you have a minio running locally using the default ports. Then you should use endpoint = 'http://localhost:9000' to connect to the minio service.


The data_format is optional. When it's missing, Timeplus will try to infer the data format from the file extension in read_from or write_to.

The supported values for data_format are:

  • JSONEachRow: parse each row of the message as a single JSON document. The top level JSON key/value pairs will be parsed as the columns.
  • CSV: less commonly used.
  • TSV: similar to CSV but tab as the separator
  • ProtobufSingle: for single Protobuf message per message
  • Protobuf: there could be multiple Protobuf messages in a single message.
  • Avro
  • RawBLOB: the default value. Read/write message as plain text.

For data formats which write multiple rows into one single message (such as JSONEachRow or CSV), two more advanced settings are available:


The path(a.k.a. S3 key) to the file in the bucket to read from. It can be a single file or a path with a wildcard, such as read_from='CostUsageReportsParquet/TpDevBilling/TpDevBilling/year=2024/month={6..12}/TpDevBilling-0000{1..9}.snappy.parquet' is to read the parquet files from June to December in 2024.

Bash-like wildcards are supported. The list of files is determined during SELECT (not at CREATE moment).

  • * — Substitutes any number of any characters except /, including empty string.
  • ** — Substitutes any number of any character include /, including empty string.
  • ? — Substitutes any single character.
  • {some_string,another_string,yet_another_one} — Substitutes any of strings 'some_string', 'another_string', 'yet_another_one'.
  • {N..M} — Substitutes any number in range from N to M including both borders. N and M can have leading zeroes e.g. 000..078.

If you only set read_from, not write_to, the S3 external table becomes a read-only table, i.e. you can't run INSERT queries on it.


As Timeplus is a streaming engine, when you write data into a S3 external table, data will keep flowing into your S3 bucket. Thus, instead of creating one single S3 object, a S3 external table will keep creating new S3 object continuously. So the object key specified in write_to actually is a template. S3 external table will add an index ( a timestamp ) to that template as the actual object keys.

For example, with write_to = 'example/data.json', the actual object keys will be something like example/data.202410291101101530247.json. 202410291101101530247 is the index added by the external table ( it's a timestamp consist of the year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond ). The index is added before the extension name (if any), so that the object key will still have the correct extension name as expected.

If you only set write_to, not read_from, Timeplus will try to infer read_from from write_to, so that you can read the data that you write to the same S3 external table. If this does not work for you, you can always specify read_from manually to get the correct results.


The minimum size (in bytes) of the file to write to S3. If the file size is less than this value, Timeplus will buffer the data in memory and upload it when the buffer is full. The default value is 16,777,216 (16MB).


The maximum idle time in seconds to wait for the buffer to be full. If the buffer is not full after this time, Timeplus will upload the data to S3.

Both s3_min_upload_file_size and s3_max_upload_idle_seconds can be set in the DDL, but also can be set in the INSERT statement. The value in the INSERT statement will override the value in the DDL, e.g.:

INSERT INTO example_s3_table SETTINGS s3_min_upload_file_size = 1048576 SELECT name, value FROM another_stream;


Default 2. Multiply s3_min_upload_part_size by this factor each time s3_multiply_parts_count_threshold parts were uploaded from a single write to S3.


Default 1000. Each time this number of parts was uploaded to S3 s3_min_upload_part_size multiplied by s3_upload_part_size_multiply_factor.


Default 32MB. The maximum size of a single part upload to S3. If the part size is larger than this value, Timeplus will split the part into multiple parts.


Default false. After uploading a part to S3, Timeplus will check if the object exists in the bucket. If the object does not exist, Timeplus will retry the upload.


The compression algorithm to use when writing data to S3. The supported values are auto, none, gzip, deflate, br, xz, zstd, lz4, bz2, and snappy. By default, it will also be automatically inferred from the object key extension name (if any).


The maximum number of connections to use when uploading data to S3. The default value is 1024.


The maximum number of requests per second to use when reading data from S3. The default value is 0, which is unlimited.


The maximum burst requests that can be issued simultaneously before hitting request per second limit. By default (0) equals to s3_max_get_rps.


The maximum number of requests per second to use when writing data to S3. The default value is 0, which is unlimited.


The maximum burst requests that can be issued simultaneously before hitting request per second limit. By default (0) equals to s3_max_put_rps.


The maximum number of redirects to follow when reading data from S3. The default value is 10.


The maximum number of retries when reading a single object from S3. The default value is 4.


The maximum number of retries when an unexpected error occurs during writing to S3. The default value is 4.


When you write data to S3, you can partition the data by one or more columns. You can define the partition logic in the PARTITION BY clause, and use {_partition_id} in the write_to setting.

For example, the following SQL creates an external table to write Kubernetes logs to S3, partitioned by the year and month of the timestamp and the container name, such as application_logs/202409/web.log.gzip:

ts datetime32,
container_name string,
log string
PARTITION BY concat(to_YYYMM(ts), '/', container_name)
type = 's3',
region = 'us-west-2',
bucket = 'mybucket',
write_to = 'application_logs/{_partition_id}.log.gzip';

In most cases, you probably don't need a partition key, and if it is needed you generally don't need a partition key more granular than by month. Partitioning does not speed up queries. You should never use too granular partitioning, which will likely lead to too many small S3 objects.

Virtual Columns

While reading from an S3 external table, you can use the following virtual columns:

  • _path — Path to the file. Type: low_cardinalty(string). In case of archive, shows path in a format: "{path_to_archive}::{path_to_file_inside_archive}"
  • _file — Name of the file. Type: low_cardinalty(string). In case of archive shows name of the file inside the archive.




  1. The UI wizard to setup S3 External Table is coming soon. Before it's ready, you need the SQL DDL.
  2. Assume role is not supported yet. You can use the environment credentials or static credentials.

Use Cases for AWS Logs


You can use the following SQL to create an external table to read the CloudTrail logs in a compressed JSON file, from a private S3 bucket.

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE aws_cloudtrail_2025(Records array(string))
SETTINGS type='s3',
region = 'us-west-1',
bucket = 'config-bucket-123456789012',

Please note ** in the read_from setting is a wildcard to read all files in the subdirectories. Since we didn't specify the file extension in the read_from, we need to specify the data_format and compression_method settings.

Since all CloudTrail events are put in the Records array, you can use array_join to flatten the array and query the data with Timeplus JSON parsing shortcut, e.g.:

SELECT array_join(Records) AS r, r:eventVersion, r:userIdentity.type, r:userIdentity.principalId,
r:userIdentity.arn, r:userIdentity.accountId, r:userIdentity.accessKeyId, r:userIdentity.userName,
r:userIdentity.sessionContext, to_time(r:eventTime) AS eventTime, r:eventSource, r:eventName,
r:awsRegion, r:sourceIPAddress, r:userAgent, r:requestParameters, r:responseElements, r:requestID,
r:eventID, to_bool(r:readOnly) AS readOnly, r:eventType,
to_bool(r:managementEvent) AS managementEvent, r:recipientAccountId, r:eventCategory
FROM aws_cloudtrail_2025

AWS Billing (Cost and Usage Reports)

You can setup Amazon to deliver the Cost and Usage Reports to a specific S3 bucket, usually in Parquet format with snappy compression. You can use the following SQL to read the data. Please note there can be hundreds of columns in the parquet file, including the user-defined billing tags.

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE aws_billing_all(
identity_line_item_id string,
identity_time_interval string,
bill_invoice_id string,
bill_invoicing_entity string,
bill_billing_entity string,
bill_bill_type string,
bill_payer_account_id string,
bill_billing_period_start_date datetime32,
bill_billing_period_end_date datetime32,
line_item_usage_account_id string,
line_item_line_item_type string,
line_item_usage_start_date datetime32,
line_item_usage_end_date datetime32,
line_item_product_code string,
line_item_usage_type string,
line_item_operation string,
line_item_availability_zone string,
SETTINGS type='s3',
region = 'us-west-1',
bucket = 'config-bucket-123456789012',

CloudFront Standard Logs

CloudFront logs are useful for tracking requests to your CloudFront distribution. They are compressed TSV files and you need to skip the first 2 rows as the headers.

`date` date,
time string,
x_edge_location string,
sc_bytes int64,
c_ip string,
cs_method string,
cs_host string,
cs_uri_stem string,
sc_status int32,
cs_referrer string,
cs_user_agent string,
cs_uri_query string,
cs_cookie string,
x_edge_result_type string,
x_edge_request_id string,
x_host_header string,
cs_protocol string,
cs_bytes int64,
time_taken float32,
x_forwarded_for string,
ssl_protocol string,
ssl_cipher string,
x_edge_response_result_type string,
cs_protocol_version string,
fle_status string,
fle_encrypted_fields int32,
c_port int32,
time_to_first_byte float32,
x_edge_detailed_result_type string,
sc_content_type string,
sc_content_len int64,
sc_range_start int64,
sc_range_end int64
SETTINGS type='s3', region='us-west-1',bucket='mybucket',
input_format_tsv_skip_first_lines = 2,

S3 Access Logs

S3 access logs are useful for tracking requests to your S3 bucket. But they are neither CSV nor JSON, they are raw text files.

You can use the following SQL to read the S3 access logs in raw format.

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE s3_logs(raw string)
SETTINGS type='s3',
region = 'us-west-1',
bucket = 's3logbucket',
read_from = 's3accesslog/123456789012/us-west-1/mybucket/2024/10/17/2024-10-17-00-00-00-016816C0FF1220C0',

Then use regular expressions to parse the data:

select e[1] as bucket_owner, e[2] as bucket, parse_datetime_in_joda_syntax(replace_one(e[3],' +0000',''),'dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss') as time,
e[4] as remote_ip, e[6] as requester, e[7] as operation, e[8] as key, e[9] as uri,
to_string(e[9]) as status, to_uint16(e[10]) as error_code, to_string(e[11]) as bytes_sent, to_string(e[12]) as object_size,
to_string(e[13]) as total_time_ms, to_uint32(e[14]) as turn_around_time_ms,
e[16] as referer, e[17] as user_agent, e[18] as version_id,e[19] as host_id, e[20] as sig_version,e[21] as cipher_suite, e[22] as auth_type,
e[23] as host_header,
e[24] as tls_version,
e[25] as access_point_apn,
e[26] as acl_required
from (SELECT array_join(extract_all_groups(raw,'([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) \\[(.*?)\\] ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) (\"[^\"]*\"|-) (-|[0-9]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) (\"[^\"]*\"|-) ([^ ]*)(?: ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*))?.*$')) AS e FROM s3_logs);