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Stream is a key concept in Timeplus. All data lives in streams, no matter static data or data in motion. We don't recommend you to create or manage TABLE in Timeplus.


CREATE STREAM [IF NOT EXISTS] [db.]<stream_name>
<col_name1> <col_type_1> [DEFAULT <col_expr_1>] [compression_codec_1],
<col_name1> <col_type_2> [DEFAULT <col_expr_2>] [compression_codec_2]
SETTINGS <event_time_column>='<col>', <key1>=<value1>, <key2>=<value2>, ...

Stream creation is an async process.

If you omit the database name, default will be used. Stream name can be any utf-8 characters and needs backtick quoted if there are spaces in between. Column name can be any utf-8 characters and needs backtick quoted if there are spaces in between.

Versioned Stream

Versioned Stream allows you to specify the primary key(s) and focus on the latest value. For example:

CREATE STREAM versioned_kv(i int, k string, k1 string)
SETTINGS mode='versioned_kv', version_column='i';

The default version_column is _tp_time. For the data with same primary key(s), Proton will use the ones with maximum value of version_column. So by default, it tracks the most recent data for same primary key(s). If there are late events, you can use specify other column to determine the end state for your live data.

Changelog Stream

Changelog Stream allows you to specify the primary key(s) and track the add/delete/update of the data. For example:

CREATE STREAM changelog_kv(i int, k string, k1 string)
SETTINGS mode='changelog_kv', version_column='i';

The default version_column is _tp_time. For the data with same primary key(s), Proton will use the ones with maximum value of version_column. So by default, it tracks the most recent data for same primary key(s). If there are late events, you can use specify other column to determine the end state for your live data.