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count(*) to get the row number, or count(col) to get the number of rows when col is not NULL


count_distinct(col) to get the number of unique values for the col column. Same as count(distinct col)


count_if(condition) to apply a filter with condition and get the number of records. e.g. count_if(speed_kmh>80)


distinct(col)to get the distinct value for the col column.


unique(<column_name1>[, <column_name2>, ...]): Calculates the approximate number of different values of the columns.


unique_exact(<column_name1>[, <column_name2>, ...])Calculates the exact number of different values of the columns.


unique_exact_if(col,condition) to apply a filter with condition and get the distinct count of col, e.g. to get the cars with high speed unique_exact_if(cid,speed_kmh>80)


min(<column_name>): minimum value of a column. For String column, the comparison is lexicographic order.


max(<column_name>): maximum value of a column. For String column, the comparison is lexicographic order.


sum(<column_name>): sum of the columns. Only works for numbers.


avg(<column_name>): average value of a column (sum(column) / count(column)). Only works for numeric columns.


median(<column_name>) Calculate median of a numeric data sample.


quantile(column,level)Calculate an approximate quantile of a numeric data sequence. e.g. quantile(a,0.9)to get the P90 for the column and quantile(a,0.5) to get the median number


short for quantile(a,0.9)


short for quantile(a,0.95)


short for quantile(a,0.99)


top_k(<column_name>,K): Top frequent K items in column_name. Return an array.

e.g. top_k(cid, 3) may get ["c01","c02","c03"]

If you need to get the event count, you can set true as the 3rd parameter, e.g. top_k(cid, 3, true) may get [("c01",1200,0),("c02",800,0),("c03",700,0)]. The 3rd element in the tuple is the probability of the error of the calculation, since it is an approximate calculation. 0 means no error. If you want to get the exact top K without approximate calculation, you can use top_k_exact function, e.g. top_k_exact(cid,3), which will be slower than top_k function.

Read more on Top-N Query Pattern page.


min_k(<column_name>,K [,context_column]): The least K items in column_name. Return an array. You can also add a list of columns to get more context of the values in same row, such as min_k(price,3,product_id,last_updated) This will return an array with each element as a tuple, such as [(5.12,'c42664'),(5.12,'c42664'),(15.36,'c84068')]

Read more on Top-N Query Pattern page.


max_k(<column_name>,K[,context_column]): The greatest K items in column_name. You can also add a list of columns to get more context of the values in same row, such as max_k(price,3,product_id,last_updated)

Read more on Top-N Query Pattern page.


arg_min(argument, value_column) Gets the value in the argument column for a minimal value in the value_column. If there are several different values of argument for minimal values of value_column, it returns the first of these values encountered. You can achieve the same query with min_k(value_column,1, argument)[1].2 . But this is much easier.


arg_max(argument, value_column) Gets the value in the argument column for a maximum value in the value_column. If there are several different values of argument for maximum values of value_column, it returns the first of these values encountered. You can achieve the same query with max_k(value_column,1, argument)[1].2 . But this is much easier.


group_array(<column_name>) to combine the values of the specific column as an array. For example, if there are 3 rows and the values for these columns are "a","b","c". This function will generate a single row and single column with value ['a','b','c'].


group_uniq_array(<column_name>) to combine the values of the specific column as an array, making sure only unique values in it. For example, if there are 3 rows and the values for these columns are "a","a","c". This function will generate a single row and single column with value ['a','c'].


group_concat(<column_name>) to combine the values of the specific column as a string, separated by a comma. For example, if there are 3 rows and the values for these columns are "a","b","c". This function will generate a single row and single column with value 'abc'. To combine the values of the specific column as a string, separated by a semicolon, use group_concat(<column_name>, ';').


moving_sum(column) returns an array with the moving sum of the specified column. For example, select moving_sum(a) from(select 1 as a union select 2 as a union select 3 as a) will return [1,3,6].


any(column) Selects the first encountered (non-NULL) value, unless all rows have NULL values in that column. The query can be executed in any order and even in a different order each time, so the result of this function is indeterminate. To get a determinate result, you can use the min or max function instead of any.


first_value(column) Selects the first encountered value.


last_value(column) Selects the last encountered value.


stochastic_linear_regression_state(num, target, param1, param2)

This function implements stochastic linear regression. It supports custom parameters for learning rate, L2 regularization coefficient, mini-batch size and has few methods for updating weights (Adam (used by default), simple SGD, Momentum, Nesterov). Learn more at ClickHouse docs.


stochastic_logistic_regression(num, num, num, string)

This function implements stochastic logistic regression. It can be used for binary classification problem, supports the same custom parameters as stochasticLinearRegression and works the same way. Learn more at ClickHouse docs.


largest_triangle_three_buckets(x, y, n) or lttb(x, y, n). x is the x coordinate. y is the y coordinate. n is the number of points in the resulting series.

Applies the Largest-Triangle-Three-Buckets algorithm to the input data. The algorithm is used for downsampling time series data for visualization. It is designed to operate on series sorted by x coordinate. It works by dividing the sorted series into buckets and then finding the largest triangle in each bucket. The number of buckets is equal to the number of points in the resulting series. The function will sort data by x and then apply the downsampling algorithm to the sorted data.

For example:

x float64,
y float64
) ENGINE = MergeTree order by (y,x);

VALUES (1.0, 10.0),(2.0, 20.0),(3.0, 15.0),(8.0, 60.0),(9.0, 55.0),(10.0, 70.0),(4.0, 30.0),(5.0, 40.0),(6.0, 35.0),(7.0, 50.0);

select largest_triangle_three_buckets(x, y, 0) FROM test;

select largest_triangle_three_buckets(x, y, 1) FROM test;

select largest_triangle_three_buckets(x, y, 2) FROM test;

SELECT largest_triangle_three_buckets(x, y, 4) FROM test;


Alias for largest_triangle_three_buckets.


avg_time_weighted(column, time_column) to calculate the time-weighted average of the column. The time column should be in the format of datetime,datetime64 or date.

Optionally, you can add a third parameter to specify an end time for your analysis period. When you omit the third parameter, the calculation excludes the last value. If provided, the end time must match the timestamp column's data type, and the function uses the difference between the last time point and this end time as the weight for the final value.


median_time_weighted(column, time_column) to calculate the time-weighted median of the column. The time column should be in the format of datetime,datetime64 or date.

This function also takes an optional third parameter to specify an end time for your analysis period.