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Process JSON

Various functions are provided to extract values from JSON documents. You can also use the shortcut <json>::<path> to extract the string value for specified JSON path, e.g. raw::b.c to get value "1" from {"a":true,"b":{"c":1}}. Then you can convert it to other data types using to_int() or ::int shortcut.


json_extract_int(json, key) to get the integer value from the specified JSON document and key. For example json_extract_int('{"a":10,"b":3.13}','a') will get the number 10.

You can also use the shortcut col:a::int.


json_extract_float(json, key) to get the float value from the specified JSON document and key. For example json_extract_int('{"a":10,"b":3.13}','b') will get the float value 3.13.

You can also use the shortcut col:a::float.


json_extract_bool(json, key) to get the boolean value from the specified JSON document and key. For example json_extract_bool('{"a":true}','a') will get the boolean value true or 1.

You can also use the shortcut col:a::bool.


json_extract_string(json, key)to get the string value from the specified JSON document and key. For example json_extract_string('{"a":true,"b":{"c":1}}','b') will get the string value {"c":1} and you can keep applying JSON functions to extract the values.

You can also use the shortcut col:b to get the string value, or col:b.c::int to get the nested value.


json_extract_array(json, key)to get the array value from the specified JSON document and key. For example json_extract_array('{"a": "hello", "b": [-100, 200.0, "hello"]}', 'b') will get the array value ['-100','200','"hello"'] If the entire JSON document is an array, the 2nd parameter key can be omitted to turn the json string as an array, e.g. json_extract_array(arrayString).

You can also use the shortcut col:b[*].


json_extract_keys(jsonStr) to parse the JSON string and extract the keys. e.g. select '{"system_diskio_name":"nvme0n1"}' as tags,json_extract_keys(tags) will get an array: [ "system_diskio_name" ]


is_valid_json(str) to check whether the given string is a valid JSON or not. Return true(1) or false(0)


json_has(json, key) to check whether a specified key exists in the JSON document. For example json_has('{"a":10,"b":20}','c')returns 0(false).


json_value(json, path) allows you to access the nested JSON objects. For example, json_value('{"a":true,"b":{"c":1}}','$.b.c') will return the number 1


json_query(json, path) allows you to access the nested JSON objects as JSON array or JSON object. If the value doesn't exist, an empty string will be returned. For example, json_query('{"a":true,"b":{"c":1}}','$.b.c') will return an array with 1 element [1] In a more complex example, json_query('{"records":[{"b":{"c":1}},{"b":{"c":2}},{"b":{"c":3}}]}','$.records[*].b.c') will get [1,2,3]