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Single Node Install

Timeplus Enterprise can be easily installed on a single node, with or without Docker.

Bare Metal Install

Install Script

If your server or computer is running Linux or MacOS, you can run the following command to download the package and start Timeplus Enterprise without any other dependencies. For Windows users, please follow our guide for running Timeplus Enterprise with Docker.

curl | sh

This script will download the latest release (based on your operating system and CPU architecture) to the current folder. Uncompress the package and start the Timeplus Enterprise server.

If you'd like to download the package for a certain feature release, you can run the following command:

curl | sh

Manual Install

You can also download packages manually with the following links:

After you download the package, put it in a desired folder, uncompress the file, and you can run Timeplus Enterprise with preconfigured settings:

tar xfv file.tar.gz

Then change directory to the bin folder and run

./timeplus start

Timeplus Enterprise Processes

This will start Timeplus Enterprise with a few key processes:

  • timeplusd: The core SQL engine, severing at port 8463 (TCP, for timeplus client) and 3218 (HTTP, for JDBC/ODBC drivers
  • timeplus_appserver: The application server, severing at HTTP port 8000
  • timeplus_web: The web UI, managed by timeplus_appserver
  • timeplus_connector: The service to provide extra sources and sinks, managed by timeplus_appserver

Access the Timeplus Enterprise web console via http://localhost:8000. On your first login, please create an account with a password to start the 30-day free trial.

It is also possible to only start/stop single process by running timeplus start -s service_name. For example, when you only want to startup Timeplus Core (SQL Engine), run timeplus start -s timeplusd.

For more information, please check the CLI Reference.

Docker Install

Alternatively, run the following command to start Timeplus Enterprise with Docker:

docker run -p 8000:8000 timeplus/timeplus-enterprise

A few optional parameters:

  • Add --name timeplus to set a name for the container
  • Add -d to run the container in the background
  • Add -p 8463:8463 -p 3218:3218 if you want to run SQL with timeplus client or JDBC/ODBC drivers
  • Add -v "$(pwd)"/data:/timeplus/data -v "$(pwd)"/logs:/timeplus/logs if you want to mount the data and log files to your host

Quickstart with Docker Compose

To try our demo kit, you can use Docker Compose to start Timeplus Enterprise, together with Redpanda (A Kafka API compatible message bus), ClickHouse and data generator.

For Linux or Mac users, please run the command:

curl | sh

For Windows users, you can download the package with Docker Compose file and bootstrap scripts here.

Access the Timeplus demo kit web console at https://localhost:8000.

This stack demonstrates how to run streaming ETL, getting data from Kafka API, applying filter or aggregation, then sending to another Kafka topic or ClickHouse tables. For more details, please see:

License Management

When you start Timeplus Enterprise and access the web console for the first time, the 30-day free trial starts. When it ends, the software stops working.

Please check the guide to update licenses.


To upgrade Timeplus Enterprise, run timeplus stop to stop all the services. Then replace all the binaries to the higher version of Timeplus Enterprise release and then run timeplus start.


Timeplus Enterprise has no external dependencies. Just run timeplus stop then delete the timeplus folder.