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Timeplus External Stream

In addition to Kafka External Stream and Pulsar External Stream, Timeplus also supports another type of external stream to read/write data from/to another Timeplus Enterprise or Timeplus Proton deployment.

Use Cases

By introducing the external stream for Timeplus, you can implement many new use cases, such as:

  • Hybrid Deployment: you can deploy Timeplus Enterprise in both public cloud and private cloud, even on the edge servers. Using the Timeplus External Stream, you can run federation search from one Timeplus deployment to query data from the other deployment, without replicating the data. Alternatively, you can continuously send data from one deployment to the other deployment; or accumulate data at the edge servers and forward high value data to the cloud deployment when the edge server can connect to the servers in the cloud.
  • Data Migration or Upgrade: when you are ready to go production, you may use the Timeplus External Stream to transfer data from the staging cluster to the production cluster. Or if you need to upgrade Timeplus Enterprise across major releases, this type of external stream can help you to transfer data.


type = 'timeplus',
hosts = '<ip_or_host_of_timeplusd>',
db = 'default',
user = '<user>',
password = '<password>',
secure = <bool>,
config_file = '<path_to_config_file>',
stream = '<stream_name>'


  • hosts: the IP or host for the remote timeplusd. You can set or When you set a set of hosts with ports, e.g. host1:port1,host2:port2, this will treat each host as a shard. hosts is required and there is no default value.
  • db: the database name in the remote Timeplusd. The default value is 'default'.
  • user: the user name for the remote Timeplusd. The default value is 'default'.
  • password: the password for the remote Timeplusd. The default value is an empty string.
  • secure: a bool for whether to use secure connection to the remote Timeplusd. The default value is false. Use port 9440 when secure is set to true, otherwise use port 8463.
  • stream: the stream name in the remote Timeplusd. It's required and there is no default value.
  • config_file: since Timeplus Enterprise 2.7, you can specify a config file to load the settings from. Please follow the example in Kafka External Stream.


Migrate data from Timeplus Proton to Timeplus Enterprise

If you have deployed Timeplus Proton and want to load those data to a Timeplus Enterprise deployment, you cannot upgrade in place. You can use the Timeplus External Stream to migrate data.


The Timeplus Proton need to be 1.5.15 or above.

For example, there is a stream streamA in Timeplus Proton, running on host1.

In your Timeplus Enterprise, you can create the stream with the same name and same schema. Then use INSERT INTO .. SELECT to load all data from Timeplus Proton to Timeplus Enterprise.

CREATE STREAM streamA(..);

SETTINGS type='timeplus',hosts='host1',stream='streamA';

SELECT * FROM streama_proton WHERE _tp_time>earliest_ts();

Upload data from edge server to the cloud

If you deploy Timeplus Proton or Timeplus Enterprise at edge servers, it can collect and process live data with high performance and low footprint. The important data can be uploaded to the other Timeplus Enterprise in the cloud when the internet is available.

For example, on the edge server, you collect the real-time web access log and only want to upload error logs to the server.

SETTINGS type='timeplus',hosts='cloud1',stream='..';

INSERT INTO stream_in_cloud
SELECT * FROM local_stream WHERE http_code>=400;


  • window functions like tumble/hop are not working yet.
  • can't read virtual columns on remote streams.
  • table function is not supported in timeplusd 2.3.21 or earlier version. This has been enhanced since timeplusd 2.3.22.
  • Timeplus Proton earlier than 1.6.9 doesn't support the Timeplus external stream.
  • In Timeplus Proton, if your materialized view queries a Timeplus external stream, the checkpoint of the external stream may not be properly persisted. No such issue for Timeplus Enterprise and we are working on the fix.